This is my fourth time writing sketch comedy for Democracy Burlesque. Each show is organized around a politically pertinent theme. The first show I did with DB last summer was all about labor, jobs, unions, working, etc. The second show dealt with healthcare, and the third was an hour long radio special that parodied the conservative talk show establishment's idea of "the war on Christmas." That show was a lot fun. I wrote a sketch about Santa getting waterboarded at Guantanamo Bay Prison. I know. How funny am I, right?
This show's theme is education! From naughty students and scolding teachers to civic minded puppets and that cooky ol' prospector you went to school with, there is plenty to laugh about when you're laughing about learning! HOT FOR TEACHER has it all! Come see us at Mary's Attic in Andersonville at 7:30 pm May 4th and May 11th.
For more on Democracy Burlesque, check out their...
This show may feature a sketch set in an MFA fiction workshop. So all you Roosevelt students better watch out!
Can't wait to see it! And KEEP BLOGGING! I guarantee you a comment per post from moi if you start blogging again.